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Theme (Bravely)

"Bravely" is the Jamboree theme, with which we aim to inspire young people to act courageously for the future of humanity and the planet.

Young people can be an inspiration to others by acting on what they believe in and encouraging change. Scouting can empower youth members to embark on self-discovery and growth, fostering self-awareness, resilience, and a balance between nature, technology, and personal well-being, while achieving their full potential. Scouts can take the initiative and make bold steps into the future.


  • To encourage one to explore oneself (reflecting on one’s life values and goals, knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses, developing self-confidence, and making own informed choices).
  • To spark attention to self-development (practicing non-cognitive transferable skills: creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking, as well as adapting to changes, practising Scoutcraft).
  • To learn how to maintain self-balance (managing an individual’s mix of educational and professional, friends and family, exercise, interests and passions, social engagement, leisure, etc., activities to lead a full and happy life).
  • To learn how to take care of oneself – support mental health and well-being (developing resilience, counteracting pessimism).
  • To learn how to embrace both nature and technology in one’s own life and balance online and offline activities.

You and Other People

Our mission is to cultivate a culture of diversity and collaboration within the Scouting community, bridging generations and cultures, and fostering open communication and inclusive partnerships, all aimed at building a global community committed to peace and mutual respect.

  • To embrace diversity in all dimensions (arousing sparking curiosity about other cultures, religions, worldviews, and opinions, promoting social inclusion of all).
  • To learn how to communicate and collaborate across generations, cultures, and religions as a way to bring peace locally and globally (appreciating other people’s competencies, understanding other people’s needs, making good use of different perspectives, promoting partnerships with other social actors – sharing experiences and resources).
  • To build a sense of togetherness in Scouting.

You and the World

Our mission is to inspire and equip Scouts to become proactive, environmentally conscious global citizens, actively contributing to positive societal change and embracing sustainable development goals for a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.

  • To encourage “positive activism”, the sense of belonging to civil society and youth empowerment, not waiting passively for public authorities to address our common problems, but also not going against government regulations and initiatives; to learn how to complement the system we live in peacefully.
  • To understand our impact on and responsibility for the environment and conservation.
  • To summarise our commitments towards sustainable development goals and to prepare to work on calls to action presented by the United Nations.
