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Information notice on the processing of personal data of participants and other accredited persons for stakeholders of the 26th World Scout Jamboree during the Planning Stage

June June 2024 2024 2024


This document contains important information regarding the Processing of your Personal Data as a Participant or person requiring an Accreditation or Guest Pass for Stakeholder of the 26th World Scout Jamboree 2027 in Poland during the Planning Stage of the event. It indicates the organisations responsible for Processing Personal Data and explains the purposes for which such data are Processed, as well as the applicable modalities and conditions. This notice also explains how you can exercise your rights under applicable data protection laws.

Your Personal Data will be used only as necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this Information Notice. Said purposes and further explanations vary according to your function(s) at the World Scout Jamboree. For this reason, some provisions applicable to some Accredited Persons, Participants for instance, may not apply to you if you are not a Participant. This will be specified below, when possible.

This Information Notice will be supplemented with additional information that will be provided to you, when necessary, if and where a further Processing of your Personal Data not specifically mentioned in the present notice occurs.

The Jamboree Organisation reserve reserves the right to amend this Information Notice, in particular to take account of any change in the applicable law or in case of future needs and will make diligent efforts to inform you of significant modifications. We invite you to visit the following page: to consult the last updates. The date of the last online publication will be displayed at the top of this document.

If you are applying for an Accreditation or Guest Passregistering yourself as Head of Contingent, please read this notice carefully and make sure you understand what provisions apply to you. If not, please contact us at at


The Administrator of the personal data is the Organising Committee of the 26th World Scout Jamboree (hereinafter: “ADMINISTRATOR”“Administrator”), with its registered office: 80-823 Gdańsk, ul. Za Murami 2-10. The Administrator can be contacted in writing, by postal mail to the address: 80-823 Gdańsk, ul. Za Murami 2-10 or by e-mail at:


Personal data are processed on the basis of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation),  and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000) ("RODO"), and Act of 6 April 1984 on foundationsFoundations (Journal of Laws 1984, No. 21, item 97).


We use your personal data that you have provided when contacting us (in particular your first name, surname, e-mail address and other data you have provided in the body of your message). The provision of this personal data is necessary in order to be able to make contact.


The Administrator does not provide for automated decision-making.

Business contacts and statutory activities

The processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of exchanging personal data in the context of business contacts and statutory activities of the Administrator, which is primarily the purpose of planning, organising, financing, conducting, and accounting for the 26th World Scout Jamboree in Poland in 2027, in accordance with the terms of the World Scout Jamboree Host Agreement and the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

We are acting on the basis of our legitimate interest – Article 6(1)(f) RODO. Personal data may come from third parties, among others: employees, colleaguespartners, contractors, customers, officialsauthorities, in connection with our business and statutory activities. Personal data will be processed indefinitely.

The administrators do not envisage automated decision-making.

Social media buttons

By placing social media buttons on our websites (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn), we give the operators of these websites the opportunity to collect the personal data of the users of our websites and further process it for the purposes specified by these operators. We do this in two ways:

Firstly, we refer you with the click of a button to the website of the relevant social network where you can like or follow our fanpage, as well as recommend it to your friends; your activity on the social networks is tracked by the operators of these networks and the data thus collected is used by them for, among other things, behavioural marketing purposes; this only applies to users of our sites who are subscribed to the social network services;

Secondly, we enable social network operators to place cookies on your device so that they can track your activity on various websites; the data collected in this way is used by them for, among other things, behavioural marketing purposes; this applies to all users of our websites regardless of whether they are subscribed to social network services; The purpose of us placing social network buttons on our websites is to enhance the attractiveness of these websites.

We are acting on the basis of our legitimate interest (legal basis for the use of data provided for in Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA), which is to promote and publicise the Administrator’s activities.
In connection with the fulfilment of the purposes described above, we do not store data of a personal nature. Such data may, however, be stored – due to their self-defined purposes – by operators of social networks. However, this is outside any agreement with these operators.

Operation of fan pages on social networks

We use your personal data that we collect in connection with visits to our fan pages on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn) and activity on these fan pages, including information about following and liking the fan page, posting, commenting on content published on the fan page, reacting to content published on the fan page and sharing content published on the fan page with other users, etc.). This information, in accordance with the nature of social networks, is public to all or some of the other users of these networks. We use your personal data for the purpose of operating the fanpage, including the development of compelling content and making it available to users of the social networks.

We act on the basis that the use of the data is necessary for the performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services. The legal basis for the use of data provided for in Article 6(1)(b) of the RODO.

Recruitment on the basis of the Labour Code

The processing of personal data is carried out in order to carry out the recruitment procedure, to the extent specified in the provisions of the labour law – Article 6(1)(b), (c) RODO – on the basis of the Act of 26 June 1974 Labour Code and in order to establish, investigate or defend against claims – Article 6(1)(f) RODO. In addition, personal data may be processed beyond the provisions of employment law on the basis of the consent given – Article 6(1)(a) RODO.
It is also possible that personal data may be processed for the purpose of future staff recruitment if consent is given – Article 6(1)(a) RODO.

If in the recruitment documents, the data referred to in Article 9(1) of the RODO are included, the processing of personal data takes place only on the basis of consent – Article 9(2)(a).

In the case of unsuccessful candidates, personal data will be processed until the end of the recruitment process and then for a period of 3 years in order to establish, assert or defend claims. In the case of consent for the processing of personal data in subsequent recruitments, data will be stored for a period of 1 year.

In the case of candidates with whom an employment contract has been concluded, the data are included in the employee’s personal file and stored in accordance with the law.

The data does not come from third parties.

The administrator does not provide for automated decision-making.

Recruitment under the Civil Code

The processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of conducting the recruitment procedure, within the scope of civil law – Article 6(1)(b), (c) RODO – on the basis of the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 and for the purpose of establishing, investigating or defending against claims – Article 6(1)(f) RODO.

It is also possible to process personal data for the purpose of future recruitment of associates if consent is given – Article 6(1)(a) RODO.

If in the recruitment documents, the data referred to in Article 9(1) of the RODO are included, the processing of personal data takes place solely on the basis of consent – Article 9(2)(a).

In the case of unsuccessful candidates, personal data will be processed until the end of the recruitment process and then for a period of 3 years in order to establish, assert or defend claims. In the case of consent for the processing of personal data in subsequent recruitments, data will be stored for a period of 1 year.

In the case of candidates with whom a collaboration has been concluded, the data are included in the personal file of the collaborator and stored in accordance with the law.

Data does not originate from third parties.

The administrator does not provide for automated decision-making.

Server administration and statistics on the use of our websites’ resources

We use your personal data regarding your activity on our websites, which includes the content of HTTP requests made to our server by your device (URL, IP address, browser type, operating system, browser language, date and time of the request, cookie ID, page resources viewed). The data collected in this way is stored in server logs. We use your personal data to administer the server, to ensure its security and for statistical purposes. We are acting on the basis of our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).


Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, stored on users’ terminal equipment for the use of websites. Cookies identify the User, allowing the content of the website they use to be tailored to their needs. By remembering your preferences, it makes it possible to tailor the content aimed at you,
including advertising. The Personal Data Administrator uses Cookies to guarantee the appropriate standard of convenience of the Website, and the data collected is only used internally to optimise operations.

Cookies are used in order to:

1. adapting the content of the Website to the User’s preferences;
2. optimising the use of the Website, in particular by recognising the User’s terminal equipment,
3. creation of statistics,
4. maintaining a User session,
5. provision of advertising content to the User.

The data collected is used to monitor and check how Users use the Website, in order to improve the functioning of the Website providing a more efficient and seamless navigation.

Please note that in some cases, beyond the Owner’s control, the software installed by the User on the terminal device used to browse the website (e.g. Internet browser) introduces the default storage of Cookies on the User’s terminal device. Users may change their settings regarding Cookies at any time. These settings can be changed, inter alia, in such a way as to block the automatic setting of Cookies or inform about their each time they are placed on the User’s terminal equipment. Detailed information in this regard is available in the settings and instructions of the software (web browser).

The User may, at any time, disable or restore the option of collecting cookies by changing the settings in their Internet browser. Changing the settings constitutes an expression of objection, which, in the future, may impede the use of the Website. Completely deactivating the option of accepting cookies will not mean that you will not be able to view the content on the Website, with the exception of those whose access requires a login. Failure to change the settings means that data will be placed on the User’s terminal equipment (use of the Website will result in automatic placement of Cookies on the User’s terminal equipment).

The data stored on the User’s terminal equipment do not cause any configuration changes in the User’s terminal equipment or in the software installed in that equipment. The information regarding Cookies also applies to other similar technologies used within the Service.

Entities to whom we disclose your personal data

Our website contains links to other websites. We cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of these websites. We urge you to read the privacy policies set out there when you go to those other sites. This Policy applies only to the website operated by the Administrator.

We disclose your personal data to: Microsoft Sp. z o.o., cyber_Folks S.A., Polish Scouting & Guiding Association, Google Analytics.


Entities to whom we disclose your personal data

Your personal data will be made accessible to the technical service providers of Administrator and WOSM (“processors” within the meaning of the regulations), for the strict needs of their mission and in accordance with the instructions they receive.

The Administrator may transfer personal data to a third country in connection with the cooperation with the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

Where the above-mentioned recipients consider such measure necessary for the Authorised Purposes, they may combine or supplement any of your Personal Data with any other information in their possession. You are invited to consult the websites or other official information sources made available by the above-mentioned recipients for additional information regarding their respective operations and activities and related Processing of your Personal Data which will be Processed in a confidential manner.

In addition, personal data may be disclosed to public authorities on the basis of the law and to entities cooperating with us on the basis of agreements concluded for the entrustment of personal data processing.


You have the right to lodge a complaint in relation to the use of your data to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw, Poland. You may lodge a complaint electronically, in writing or orally into the minutes at the office of the President of the Office.
