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Dear Friends in Scouting,

With great joy and pride, I invite you to the 26th World Scout Jamboree, which will be held in 2027 
2027 in Gdańsk. Hosting this event is a great honour for the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
(ZHP) and, above all, a significant commitment.

This will be your World Scout Jamboree, in Poland. We all must make every effort to ensure it is the 
the best it can be. I am delighted that scouts from Poland will have the opportunity to meet scouts from all
over the world. International cooperation enriches Scouting. At ZHP, we believe that everyone, from
young people to experienced leaders, is a host of the World Scout Jamboree. It is a great honour and a
unique opportunity to share our culture and experiences, creating memories that we will recount
around campfires for years to come!

The theme of the 26th World Scout Jamboree, “Bravely!”, reminds us that regardless of age, we can 
can explore the world with courage, overcome challenges, and enjoy a community based on our Scouting

Together - bravely - let’s create an amazing educational experience for future leaders of the world.

Be prepared or Czuwaj!

Martyna Kowacka
ZHP Chief Commissioner