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The main focus of the Safe from Harm Programme at the World Scout Jamboree is safeguarding our youth members, but the programme has a wider scope. It also aims to safeguard adult attendees, reduce the risk of discrimination, avoid cultural misunderstandings, and support mental health. For the first time, the 26th World Scout Jamboree also brings access and inclusion into the Safe from Harm framework. Delivering a Jamboree that is safe from harm is a partnership between the Jamboree Organisation, WOSM and the HoCs.
Safe from Harm incidents change in character at every World Scout Jamboree. Originally, we focused mainly on how adults treat participants, but a safe environment should be provided to all. It is important to ensure that youth and adults alike know that holding a safe Jamboree is a joint effort, and to prepare everyone to keep themselves and others safe from harm.
We have specialist units to support you in achieving the Safe from Harm goal before and during the World Scout Jamboreeالتركيز الرئيسي لبرنامج الحماية من الأذى في المخيم الكشفي العالمي هو حماية أعضائنا الشباب، ولكن البرنامج له نطاق واسع. ويهدف أيضًا إلى حماية المشاركين الراشدين ، وتقليل مخاطر التمييز، وتجنب سوء الفهم الثقافي، ودعم الصحة العقلية ولأول مرة، يوفر المخيم الكشفي العالمي السادس والعشرون أيضًا إمكانية الوصول والاندماج في إطار الحماية من الأذى. إن تقديم مخيم آمن من الأذى هو عبارة عن شراكة بين الجمعية المنظمة للمخيم والمنظمة العالمية للحركة الكشفية ورؤساء الوفود.
تتغير طبيعة حوادث الحماية من الأذى في كل مخيم كشفي عالمي. في الأصل، ركزنا بشكل أساسي على كيفية تعامل الراشدين مع المشاركين، ولكن يجب توفير بيئة آمنة للجميع. من المهم التأكد من أن الشباب والراشدين على حد السواء يعرفون أن عقد مخيم آمن هو جهد مشترك، ومن إعداد الجميع للحفاظ على أنفسهم والآخرين في حماية من الأذى.
لدينا وحدات متخصصة لدعمك في تحقيق هدف الحماية من الأذى قبل وأثناء المخيم الكشفي العالمي.
Before the World Scout Jamboree
- Issue codes of conduct for adults and participants to set basic standards of behaviour. Everyone coming to the Jamboree must agree to comply with them.
- Provide compulsory e-learning for all adult attendees. This will be additional to any Safe from Harm/safeguarding training delivered by your National Scout Organisation.
- Provide a participant Safe from Harm learning experience to contingents. This will be delivered by adult Unit/Patrol Leaders as part of preparation for the Jamboree.
- Provide simple “Do’s and Don’ts”, similar to the conduct cards used by some National Scout organisations.
- Set up an Access & Inclusion User Forum to advise on achieving the best standards of accessibility and inclusion.
- Maintain a Safe from Harm reporting system in case pre-event incidents occur that need the involvement of the Safe from Harm team.
At the World Scout Jamboree
- Run a Listening Ear service in stations around the Jamboree site where people can seek help, report Safe from Harm concerns, or take a few minutes break from the excitement of the Jamboree. The Listening Ears will work closely with the mental health services provided by the Health & Medical Department and the host city, and with the Safe from Harm Operations Unit.
- Offer Listening Ear and Safe from Harm support at main arrival points and the Welcome Centre.
- Run a Safe from Harm Operations Unit to manage incidents that require further reviews and follow-up action. It will work with the leadership of the Jamboree and other local services when necessary.
- Run an Access & Inclusion troubleshooting team to help solve problems if they occur during the event.