Youth Participants must be between the ages of 14 and 17 at the time of the event(born after 30 July 2009 but not later than 30 July 2013). Individuals older than 18(born on or before 30 July 2009)can take part as International Service Team (IST) volunteers. For more information see - The World Scout Jamboree - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
The 26th World Scout Jamboree Site is located on Wyspa Sobieszewskawithin the borders of the city ofGdańsk, on the coast of the Baltic Sea in northern Poland. For more information see - Location - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
You can get involved in a number of different ways, the Jamboree Planning Team have regular open calls for volunteers - see for information. You might also want to speak to your NSO about volunteering with your contingent.