About the Jamboree
The 26th World Scout Jamboree will be held from 30 July to 8 August 2027. For more information see - The World Scout Jamboree - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
"Bravely" is the Jamboree theme, with which we aim to inspire young people to act courageously for the future of humanity and the planet. For more information see - Jamboree Theme and Objectives - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
Information on the registration deadlines and fees can be found in Bulletin 1 - For more information see - Jamboree Terms and Conditions Extract - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
CMT and Pre-Visits
We expect every contingent to bring a Head of Contingent. Besides the HoC, we encourage you to have someone for Safeguarding / Safe from Harm in order to help your participants and IST in your own language and keeping in mind your own culture. Bigger contingents may consider bringing medical doctor/nurse/paramedics. If you want to have a look at the number of CMT allowed for your contingent, you can find a table outlining the allowed numbers in the Terms and Conditions (LINK HERE). We are also considering to host a session about this topic to learn from each other what would be good compositions for your contingents. More information on this session will be available at a later stage.
Fees, Contingent Size and Registration
Youth Participants must be between the ages of 14 and 17 at the time of the event (born after 30 July 2009 but not later than 30 July 2013). Individuals older than 18 (born on or before 30 July 2009) can take part as International Service Team (IST) volunteers. For further information please see link (Bulletin 1, The world scout Jamboree)
(add links in HoC Base as it is not suitable here in the Excel)"
We will match patrols into units, creating international units for contingents that do not form a full unit of 40 people.
Food House and Contingents Exhibitions
World Scout Centre, Global Development Village, Faiths & Beliefs, and Food Houses are part of the jamboree experience, and planning of those areas already started. More information will be published in Bulletin 2 and 3.
More information on IST roles, including the process for job allocation, will be available in 2026. Meanwhile, refer to previous Jamboree catalogues for guidance.
Logistics (incl. Visitors)
We already know there will be a Day Visitor system, however, more details will be provided in a later stage of the preparations.
Programme and Pre-Programme
Participants will experience Gdansk as part of the Jamboree programme
Yes, details will be provided during upcoming HoC meetings and bulletins.
Access to the sea will be controlled as part of the Jamboree programme and in accordance with safety measures
Participation in the Jamboree
Adult volunteers and Contingent Management Team (CMT) members must be 18 or older (born on or before 30 July 2009). For more information see - The World Scout Jamboree - HOC Knowledgebase - WSJ2027 Knowledgebase
If you are a Head of Contingent, please refer to the FAQ section in the Secured Area.